My dad loved Macedonia! He aways extended a warm invitation to anyone--he invited them to church. He was extremely proud of our body and even prouder that the church did not "split or divide". I have seen the Holy Spirit work through our body to care for my mom and dad. Macedonia's actions speak louder than words. I thank all members of our body for support and love. We are Pastor Allen's legacy. He honored God through his actions. Let us continue to honor The Master in all that we do.
Located at 1700 Linwood in Kansas City, Missouri.
Service times: Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Service at 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study(s) 10:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
My dad loved Macedonia! He aways extended a warm invitation to anyone--he invited them to church. He was extremely proud of our body and even prouder that the church did not "split or divide". I have seen the Holy Spirit work through our body to care for my mom and dad. Macedonia's actions speak louder than words. I thank all members of our body for support and love. We are Pastor Allen's legacy. He honored God through his actions. Let us continue to honor The Master in all that we do.
Eleanor Allen Lisbon
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